If You Have A Free Day, Read This

The plug-and-play method to not wasting your day

The Electronic Pen
3 min readSep 26, 2024
Photo by Roman Bozhko on Unsplash

So, you have a free day.

Maybe it’s a Saturday with nothing planned, or an empty Wednesday with five blissful hours of nothingness after work.

And you want to put these hours to good use, you want to recharge and relax without doom scrolling or binge watching.

Well, you’re at the right place.

How it works

It’s very simple.

I’m going to give you a list of 24 things, ranging from watching a movie to doing chores.

Then, roll four dice or use this random number generator to get a number from 1 to 24 — that will be what you’re doing.

Then, roll a die again, or use the generator, to get a number from 1–6 — this will correspond to how long you’re doing it(some, like doing the laundry, won’t have a set time — you just do them until completion):

  • 1–thirty minutes
  • 2 — an hour
  • 3–an hour and a half
  • 4 — two hours
  • 5 — three hours
  • 6 — four hours

For example, if you roll a 15 for your first number and a 2 for your second number, you…



The Electronic Pen

Writing. Technology. Entertainment. And that endless chase for productivity.