The 100 Day Publish-A-Book Roadmap: Part 3— Editing

The Electronic Pen
3 min readDec 27, 2022

Refine and polish your story in the next step in the 100 day published author roadmap

A type writer with the words ‘rewrite…edit’ repeated over and over on a paper.
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood

In Part 3 of the 100-day challenge to write and self-publish a book, you’re going to be spending 15 days editing your book to prepare it for publishing.

If you haven’t read them already, here’s Part 1(planning) and Part 2(writing) of this series.

Day 67–82: Edit

If you made it past the writing section, first of all, wow.

You’ve done great, and you are doing great — writing a first draft is something that, well, isn’t easy(huge understatement, sorry).

Normally, I would recommend taking a break. Celebrate, maybe host a little party and pop some champagne, revel in this admirable accomplishment few people ever achieve, and then, after you’re mind has had a refresh, then come back to the story.

Except…we’re on a tight schedule here, so there’s still some more things you have to do before you we can relax.

Namely, editing.

For the next 15 days, you’ll be transofrming your messy first draft into a ready-to-be published book.

I know…that sounds pretty crazy.



The Electronic Pen

Writing. Technology. Entertainment. And that endless chase for productivity.